Emmaus Fellowship Church

Statement of Faith

There is one God revealed to us as three persons in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

God created the entire universe ages ago with the power of His Word.

Man was created perfect in the beginning, but fell into sin and was separated from God after being tempted by the serpent in being told he could be like God.

Satan and some angels fell ages ago in that they wanted to rise above God's throne. They now work to further corrupt the human race and attempt to keep people away from God. Of course we overcome them and their works by faith in Jesus and walking with God. At the end of the age they will receive their due punishment from the Lord.

In the fullness of time, God sent Jesus Christ, the promised Messiah, to be born of a virgin, Mary, to perfectly fulfill the law of God, and then to die on the cross for our sins and be raised from the dead, to provide for the forgiveness of all sins and restore us to a relationship with God. Based on this we hold to salvation by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ for eternal life. The shed blood of Christ is for the remission of sins.

The Holy Spirit is given to indwell believers, distribute various spiritual gifts, prompt them to grow in wisdom, and guide their lives and into the kinds of ministry they should be doing

Scriptures teach that while we are saved by God's grace, we can earn rewards in heaven by doing good, and growing spiritually.

People have free will to resist the gospel and resist God, but should have faith and follow the Lord.

Believers are called to share the gospel of Christ with others, disciple newer believers to grow spiritually and walk with God, and to keep growing spiritually themselves. The power of the Holy Spirit is provided for spiritual growth to all believers. Jude says that we should earnestly contend for the faith that was once delivered to the saints. In an age of growing compromise in many churches we should all the more contend for the faith as based on the scriptures.

Jesus Christ will return to the earth some day to set up His Kingdom.

All the dead will be raised and believers who are alive when Christ returns will put on immortal bodies.

Jesus Christ will judge the living and the dead.

The scriptures are divinely inspired by God. We do urge people to use translations that are faithful to what is said in the original languages.